

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620310

性别 : 男性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 韩国
hello. My name is Noh. I joined because I wanted to learn the basic language of each country through my friends overseas. I thought it would be nice to learn the language of that country from a friend...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 16
住处 : 危地马拉
Holaaa Hi, how are you Do you want to be my friend feel free to text me, if I don t answer please wait My hobbies are Cooking, reading manga, watching anime, kpop, and other things. こんにちは お元気ですか 友達になり...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 17
住处 : 日本
안녕하세요 한국의 문화를 좋아하는 일본인 학생 입니다 일본어 영어 한국어 조금만 를 말 수 있습니다 아직도 잘 못하지만. 동 세대의 친구를 사귀고 싶습니다잘 부탁합니다 こんにちは...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 斯里兰卡
Hi everyone. I m 19 years old from Sri Lanka. I would like to learn different cultures and would like to talk to people from different countries. I like reading, watching anime and listening to music....
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 10
住处 : 韩国
안녕하세요 yang1014라고 합니다 .만 10살 이고요 편지는 주말에 보내주셨으면 좋겠습니다 좋은 날 보내세요Hello, my name is yang1014. I‘m 10 years old. If you want send a letter, please send it weekend. Have a ni...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 韩国
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる19歳です 普段 日本語に興味があります だから楽しく話せる日本人の友達が欲しいです 途切れることなく連絡できたらいいですね 将来について話すのが...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 印度尼西亚
hiianother infj t here i study engineering at uni welp hope I ll be able to survive this semester lol i used to be a homebody but my major forced me to travel to places so yeah. i love going to the be...
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.


Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620310

性别 : 男性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 韩国
hello. My name is Noh. I joined because I wanted to learn the basic language of each country through my friends overseas. I thought it would be nice to learn the language of that country from a friend...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 16
住处 : 危地马拉
Holaaa Hi, how are you Do you want to be my friend feel free to text me, if I don t answer please wait My hobbies are Cooking, reading manga, watching anime, kpop, and other things. こんにちは お元気ですか 友達になり...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 17
住处 : 日本
안녕하세요 한국의 문화를 좋아하는 일본인 학생 입니다 일본어 영어 한국어 조금만 를 말 수 있습니다 아직도 잘 못하지만. 동 세대의 친구를 사귀고 싶습니다잘 부탁합니다 こんにちは...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 斯里兰卡
Hi everyone. I m 19 years old from Sri Lanka. I would like to learn different cultures and would like to talk to people from different countries. I like reading, watching anime and listening to music....
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 10
住处 : 韩国
안녕하세요 yang1014라고 합니다 .만 10살 이고요 편지는 주말에 보내주셨으면 좋겠습니다 좋은 날 보내세요Hello, my name is yang1014. I‘m 10 years old. If you want send a letter, please send it weekend. Have a ni...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 韩国
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる19歳です 普段 日本語に興味があります だから楽しく話せる日本人の友達が欲しいです 途切れることなく連絡できたらいいですね 将来について話すのが...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 印度尼西亚
hiianother infj t here i study engineering at uni welp hope I ll be able to survive this semester lol i used to be a homebody but my major forced me to travel to places so yeah. i love going to the be...