

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620753

性别 : 女性
年龄 : 13
住处 : 中国
Hello My name is Hedy, I m 13 years old from China. I want to make friends who can help me improve my English It s better to be friends from English speaking countries. My hobbies are reading and ar...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 50
住处 : 韩国
こんにちは 私は日本の文化に興味があって日本語は勉強中ですが初心者レベルです 日本旅行も好きですが時間的な問題で機会があれば一度ずつ行く方です お互いに負担をかけずに日...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 23
住处 : 韩国
日本の文化やタブーについて知りたいです 外国の迷信と韓国の迷信を比べてみたいです 韓国も迷信が多いです そして社会的問題について話したいです I want to know about foreign cultures and ta...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 58
住处 : 日本
I want to learn a lot of culture and language. I want to see a lot of things. Please tell me a lot of about it. My hobby is jogging, reading and watching Korean drama. I am Japanese. I living in Japan...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 34
住处 : 土耳其
Hi, I am looking for long term friendships where I can have casual conversations. Honesty is the most important thing for me in this life. please do not contact me if you are someone who can lie easil...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 25
住处 : 日本
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 16
住处 : 印度
heloo looking for someone who can help me improve my french and teach me korean i can help you in english too also if you wanna be friends, just hit me up with a message i like to talk about life, boo...