

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 623651

性别 : 男性
年龄 : 42
住处 : 日本
I m new to the dating scene and quite frankly it s a bit scary ; I don t normally contact people in this sort of way but you re really interesting ; How could someone like me date someone like y...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 42
住处 : 韩国
Hello, everyone. I m Jimmy living in Korea. I am an office worker working for an IT company in Korea. I want to make Japanese friends in English. After going on a trip to Japan last week, I came up wi...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 33
住处 : 韩国
始めまして 日本の文化が好きな者です 以前 日本で 年の間 住んだことがありましたが 日本で友達を作ることができず 韓国に戻ってしまいました それで 今回 勇気を出して友達を作っ...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 30
住处 : 韩国
Hello i am studing english and japanese And i have big interest about european life So i hope to make various country friends I hope to meet who is not fake And can have long relationship And who is p...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 41
住处 : 韩国
hello 私は日本語の勉強を始めたばかりですが 一緒に趣味 文化を共有しながら仲良くなる人を探しています 私と連絡する方はいつでもおっしゃってください 您好 我住在韩国 我想一起...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 32
住处 : 意大利
I m a italian guy and i from the Northern Italy. I studied art and graphic design and i like comics, movies, music and videogames. Yeah, i know, few informations, but if you want know more about me, d...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 36
住处 : 韩国
안녕하세요 한국에 살고있는 88년생 남자입니다. 일본여행 후 일본의 매력에 빠져 일본어를 공부하고 있습니다. 일본어는 초보라 일본인 친구를 찾고있습니다. 후쿠오카를 주로가며 이 ...