

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621103

性别 : 男性
年龄 : 33
住处 : 台湾
hihi i am saija i have honda eg6 My interest love I have many interest to love and like to listening to music and cars most I especially like 90 s POP, CITY POP, Beingkei Visual kei Komuro family. etc...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 28
住处 : 澳大利亚
HelloNice to meet you. My name is Sofia D. I am hoping to make long term friends friends, not dating haha .I was born and raised in the United States. I speak English and some Spanish since my parent...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 17
住处 : 韩国
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる男子学生です. 前から日本に関心が高くて同年代の友達と話したくて加入しました 音楽や絵を描くこと 作文 ゲームなどが好きです 안녕하세요한국에 거주...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 21
住处 : 瑞士
helluuuuu nice to meet you, you can call me Ay. I am a student from Switzerland. I am interested in languages especially the ones I will never master because they are too difficult loll I would also l...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 29
住处 : 俄罗斯
HiMy name is Nikolay. I am learning English and Chinese language and I will be happy to improve my language skills through negotiation with a native speaker. Russian is my native language, and my Engl...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 35
住处 : 韩国
こんにちは いろんな国の文化 食べ物が好きだが外国人の友達が無くて残念です 友達になってください 私は今は英語や日本語をする際 翻訳機を使用しているが ずっと勉強しています ...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 26
住处 : 摩洛哥
Hi i m Romayssa from morocco I am very interested in Korean culture, so I hope you can talk about your culture. And also I want to learn the Korean language .I have already started lessons on the inte...