From My Korean Friend^^ [3]
really delicious^^ She said,this brownie is popular to many Japanese girls. I love them! :)and this photos! B2ST! I'm not a fan this group but I love them :) #I'm a VIP! :)Sh... 2013/07/26 22:08:02
From My Korean Friend^^ [1]
really delicios^^ She said, this brownie is popular to many Japanese girls. I love them :)and this photos! B2ST. I'm not fan this group but I love them :) #I'm a VIP! :)I lov... 2013/07/14 19:55:06
i'm from Taiwan friend from Korea [6]
my mail from Korea i love candy so much >< i'm you want to have a Taiwan mail friend you can message me :)... 2013/07/09 17:34:08
Im looking penpal friends!! This gift for you ahaha :D come [4]
Turkey Turkısh bagletters ^^Turkısh flag sticker ^^and other suprise gift :DD ı will wait you :')... 2013/07/09 07:07:57
お手紙交換しませんか [3]
私とお手紙交換していただける方 居ませんか?? 嵐とSHINeeとOne direction が好きです!!!저와 편지 교환해 주실 분 없습니까? 아라시와... 2013/07/07 23:01:43
If you wanna be my penpal.Come on ! [7]
Hello ~ I wanna have got many many friends.. I can't find real friend in this site -,- It's sadding. I interested Korean culture for 3 years. I learning Korean.:) If you... 2013/07/06 01:04:25
JYJ <3 part 2 [6]
ı love jyj but ı dont have any TVXQ :'(<333ı loveeeeeeeeee so much... 2013/07/06 00:50:07
from Yujin to my b'day >< [5]
I have a very kind and nice penpal, Yu-Jin from Korea^^ when she know when my b'day is, she started to send me small package as a gift. I'm so happyyyyyy :D 5 April I recieved it... 2013/06/27 07:43:34
JYJ <3 [12]
ı love JYJ ı love ramen. but ım cannot eat ramen.. ıf ıt has pig :/ ım muslim...... 2013/06/18 08:16:25
카즈미언니에게서 받은것!! 감사합니다!! [6]
우마이봉~ 납작모찌떡 비슷한것,,, 참깨와 생강맛의 강정과자,,마지막!!! 감잎으로 싼 초밥!!! 맛있엉!~~연어!! 한국 놀러 오실때 갖고오... 2013/06/02 13:34:54