from Yujin to my b'day ><
10,May 2013 08:21 PM
27,Jun 2013 07:43 AM
I have a very kind and nice penpal, Yu-Jin from Korea^^
when she know when my b'day is, she started to send me small package as a gift. I'm so happyyyyyy :D
5 April I recieved it. Thank you so much Yu-Jin!!!! :*

I enjoy all the things... ^^
I wish for long term of friendship, YuJin... gomawo :)
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Total comment(s) :5
:D wwoow
hmm I looking penpal friend too ^^ ahaha
sydmr | 27,Jun 2013
Wow! What a great friendship~~
zoomee | 24,Jun 2013
와~~ 좋은친구네요!
jihyun_ | 19,May 2013
Hi ^^
rururu13 | 17,Jun 2013
와~~ 좋은친구네요!
jihyun_ | 19,May 2013