Gift :))
31,Mar 2013 06:42 PM
17,Apr 2013 01:03 AM
they are so beautiful to me
lots of posters and cards
thank you : )
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Total comment(s) :6
*Q* Min Ho!!
hennie | 17,Apr 2013
...*A* I want stuff like that too...;-;
You're very lucky~^^
Smile030 | 17,Apr 2013
Ah! Lee Min Ho! Love him!
How nice you got all these things! Congrats and enjoy!
hannepen | 05,Apr 2013
Thank You :)
gizm_32 | 31,Mar 2013
very good :)
turkey-k | 31,Mar 2013
Lee Min Ho. <3
Yanyan18 | 31,Mar 2013