日本の友達ゆうりがお願いた宅配です! 思ったより大きかったです。ww内容物!!お菓子、ハンカチ、ラーメン、チョコレート、手紙な... 2014/01/26 23:00:18
My 2nd letter came from South Korea! Thank you Eun Ji~ [2]
its so cute a letter ^^ i really enjoyed when i read ehe. its back writes " korean traditional jar. 'Hong-a-ri' there is Kimchi in the jars!" ıımm.. yummy!! hehe :3... 2014/01/25 00:40:55
From Japan♥ 日本からお菓子♡ [7]
Today I received from my friend Japanese sweets! They are really delicious!♥ 日本からお菓子を届きました\(^o^)/ とてもおいしいです(๑´ڡ`๑) く... 2014/01/23 21:44:50
korea~turkey [9]
From the continuation of... 2014/01/23 16:00:37
from Turkey to Korea [1]
for my dear friend^^ amulet is important symbol :)... 2014/01/21 23:45:11
From Turkey to Japan [6]
I will send this gifts at tomorrow :)) I hope officer can't make a fuss..This is watch.. and person is important to me in watch.. Are you like this gift ?... 2014/01/19 14:40:34
From. Korea ^___^ [8]
Rilakkuma >__my letter ^^cute Teddy ^___^... 2014/01/18 23:19:13
日本で小包が来ました。♥ [6]
日本で小包が来ました。 韓国語も上手に使うww リサ!!!!!ありがとう♡♥ 일본에서 소포가 왔습니다! 한국어도 잘쓰는 ww 리사 고마... 2014/01/13 08:01:53
편지왔어~> [6]
내친구의 소현부터 편지왔어~!! EXO와B1A4의 사진도 있어ㅜㅠ 소현아~진짜고마워~ㅎㅎ 소현아사랑해~>... 2014/01/12 15:21:36
maya언니가보낸선물:D [9]
마야언니가 보낸 선물이 오늘 도착했어요!♥ マヤ、姉が送ったプレゼントが今日届きましたよ!♥... 2014/01/10 11:11:40