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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620705

性别 : 女性
年龄 : 28
住处 : 韩国
hi. こんにちは. i interested in other culture and language. i want learn other culture and language. i like walking, sports. etc. i want to be a long friend. こんにちは いろんな国の文化と言語に関心がありま 英語と日...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 33
住处 : 日本
한국어를 잊지않게 일본어를 공부하는 사람들 구합니다 kpopㆍ동물 좋아해요온 게임 자주해요 여성분들 연락 부탁합니다 韓国語を忘れないために 日本語を勉強している方を求めます ケ...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 40
住处 : 日本
Hi, thereI m 34years old female from Japan. I love travellling around the world and cooking and so on. I d like to meet someone to exchange email. Please ask me about Japan if you want...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 18
住处 : 菲律宾
Hi. I m from Philippines. I m currently a freshman in college. I want to have international friends. I m interested in other countries. Someday i like to travel around the world. Don t hesitate to mes...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 15
住处 : 中国
Hi there. A 15 year old Chinese student from Shanghai China. Interested in computer programming, rock music, and ar...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 55
住处 : 韩国
안녕하세요 현재 대한민국 서울에 거주중입니다. 해외여행을 좋아해서 여러 나라 친구들을 만나고 싶은 대한민국 남성입니다. 한국에 대해 궁금한 부분 얘기해주시면 제가 도와드릴수 ...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 42
住处 : 土耳其
Hi, I am living in Turkey. I am a teacher. I am a member of this site to improve my English and make new friends. I want to know different cultures. I hope I can make new friends her...